Miniature World



Ants are everywhere, especially where there is  sweet food. Ants work all day looking for food. They are very small, with different sizes and with different colors; black, red and orange.

Ants work very well as a team in this way, their work is easier. Ants live together in dark places. Ants grab; leaves, food, water, grains, stones and branches.

The ants live in a society with ranks, each ant is important for the colony to function properly. Ants are divided into 2 main groups:

Queen Ant

It is the ant with the highest rank within the colony, its main function is to lay eggs. The queen ants are larger than the other ants, the queen has wings but they lose them once they decide to mate

Queen Ant

Worker Ants

They are in charge of taking care of the eggs, exploring, collecting food, defending the colony, and other jobs. The worker ants always work as a team, they use their antennas to communicate with each other.

Worker ants

     The Life of Ants


Geckos 馃悐

Geckos are harmless animals, they can be of great use since they feed on mosquitoes, flies, ants and other insects. Geckos have powerful legs with which they can walk on walls without falling, they have a long tail.

Geckos are generally gray in color, but can rarely be found brown in color. Its texture is smooth, they have great eyesight and thanks to it they can hunt without problems. 
Geckos can walk alone or with someone, their eggs are white and they are super small



